Who Are You?
My name is Harrison Markfield, I am eighteen years old from Greenwich, Connecticut.
What's Quarantine Journalism School?
QJS is my blog where I hope to showcase my writing as a way to make it into journalism as a full time career. I was going to attend journalism school this coming fall, however Covid-19 has scuttled those plans for now, so here we are.
Why The Name?
I suppose this is really only a 'school' for myself, trying to teach myself how to be a journalist during a time where I can't learn from real professors. Other than that, it was the best name I could come up with.
What Made You Want To Be A Journalist?
Crooked Letters by Steven Godfrey is usually what I attribute to wanting to pursue this career path. I always liked finding out how things work and the power dynamic of the NCAA - as exposed in that story - is fascinating, but I've always liked writing and feel like it's what I'm best at, and I look up to a lot of people in media and the way they tell stories (see: Jon Bois).
What Can I Expect To See Here?
The plan is to write as much as possible, in all likelihood it'll be a lot of sports content but I want to write about as many different topics - and in as many different styles - as possible, so it'll be a bit of a mix bag.
How Do You Feel About The State Of Journalism At The Moment?
I think journalists are at the behest of corporate ownership that doesn't have any particular fealty to the principles of good journalism - only maximizing profit, often at the behest of writers doing the best they can. Access to information is also very muddled which can make reporting difficult.
That's all for now, but I hope you all decide to stick around!
That's all for now, but I hope you all decide to stick around!
I look forward to watching your professional and personal growth.